Tuesday, June 19, 2007

happy birthday to you...

today is tristans 8th birthday! wow, i know 8 isn't old but it makes me feel old. i seriously can't believe it's been that long since i had him. tristan likes to tell people that jeff and i cried when he was born...we did! it was our first look at a life that we were so excited to bring into our lives, he was perfect. (except for the weird frog feet he had goin on, i thought for sure he would never walk)

we learn from him every day and unfortunately for him we are also learning how to be parents from him, i KNOW it's not easy for any of us. we love our boy more than words can say.

tristan will be baptized on saturday. we'll have pictures of that as soon as i recover from all of the company from the week.

last night while everyone was asleep i blew up (with my own mouth) 70 balloons and decorated the family room for tristan.

tristan has been dying for guitar hero since we visited my sister in utah for easter. your wish is my command. he was so happy to get this.

and equally as excited to get a second guitar for two players. even though he is not doing a good job sharing it. since i sat down here to type this out i've been playing referee between he and jenna.

the breakfast of champions! this is tristans favorite thing to have for breakfast. the cupcakes were kinda weird but i guess jeff thought it was ok since it's his birthday, at least he bought SKINNY COW chocolate milk.

this is when they first got upstairs and it was new and fun. if i took a picture now they would not look like this.

happy birthday to my baby boy!
P.S. jeff told tristan this morning, "8 years ago when you came out you were a screaming MESS"! apparently that's how he says happy birthday.


Kristin said...

I love Guitar Hero! (I'm not very good, but it is really fun to play it!) It looks like he's having a great day! What a nice mommy to blow up all those balloons!

Sarah said...

Wow you must be OLD to have an eight year old. MY GOSH! Happy Birthday Tristan. Good luck with all the events you have going on this week.

Anonymous said...

Aww...Happy day late Birthday Tristan!! Dude, you scored big time with that guitar. Breakfast looks soooo yummy, hey is that skinny cow chocolate milk any good?

Hope you had a great 8th Birtday! Can't wait to see pics from your Baptism.

Enjoy Birth said...

Happy Birthday. What a great present and what a great mom to blow up 40 balloons!
I learn tons from Devon too. A lot of patience. ;)

Anonymous said...

How fun! You are so hilarious in your commentary. Love the skinny cow chocolate milk with donuts! Happy Birthday Tristan! Just you guys wait til' you have ten year old, now that is old! 2 years away from being a deacon!

Shelly Hanson said...

Obviously I'm not a good sister or Aunt! I should have read your blog sooner! I'm sorry we ruined your family with guitar hero. I take no responsibility for bloodshed while your kids are playing.

T I have a gift for you. It's coming in the mail. ask your Mom... my gifts (If I send one) are never on time. you'll get over it.

Love you!!!!