tatum did something today that she has done before and you would think that after the first time IT WOULD NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN! she has actually done it three times now. it's nasty, it's confusing and quite honestly it's masochistic. it causes her mouth to bleed and for some reason she has never cried. it freaks me out and it's all i could think about all day. i just don't understand. what makes her do it? what is it that draws her in?
she brushed her teeth with my RAZOR!
there will be no pictures at this time...but next time i'll be sure and get some as i'm SURE there will be a next time.
**edited** i ALWAYS put my razor where i can barely reach it but there has been an occation where i have forgotten to put it up. OBVIOUSLY.
that is a big problem. you need to put razor higher silly.
um...that was from me..christine
oh my, that is just wrong. You need lock and key. Poor you and poor Tatum.
OMGosh-Can I cry now-what was this trauma day for all? I had a few traumas of my own!
that is super scary..glad you put it up. luckily the mouth heals quickly. ouchie.
You know? Well...OK...UH
I guess it's all up to you,Stacy. She's only 2 and you're 31.
ooooo, ouch. That sounds very painful.
Love the colors btw.
ugh! That is traumatizing to read. Poor little Tates.
Your friend the Ape
i love that when sharla comments the ape shows up! and i love that she commented on becky higgins blog like that. lol cracking me up!
I think it's time for you to send her to me. You have passed up mother of the year too many times in a row now...just give her to me, you know it's time...come on...hand her over. Besides, even if she DID get a hold of my razor I rarely change the blade so she'd probably get a good brushing!
You would have thought she would have learned the first two times! Kids are so weird sometimes! Is she ok? Don't feel bad, she knew what would happen if she did it...again...Hopefully there is no next time, and she learned her lesson. :)
time for a new post! this one grosses me out every time!
I totally agree with Shelly. Something new, this is so gross.
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