Saturday, November 24, 2007

can two years really make that big of a difference?

this is me just over two years ago.

and this is me last wednesday. i look at these pictures and see a HUGE change in my appearance. it could be the hair color or that the angle is different but i definitely feel like i look older in this picture. *edit* ok, more mature? i just feel like i look sooo young in the picture above.

i don't have very many pictures taken of me for a few reasons, so i don't usually notice the changes in myself since i look at myself every day. it was just interesting for me to see the difference that time has made in me...hmm there you go.


Kristin said...

I don't think you look older. You are beautiful...That was quite the pile of hair that little miss Tatum cut off. I think I would have freaked. I guess it's no piggies for a while! I hope you had a great Thanksgiving.

Bowlby Family Organazation said...

i dido look more mature, not older. and maybe a little softer...does that make sense? you are a beautiful person. i will send you a link to look at the proofs, those pictures were taken the weekend she was blessed. my cousin did them, he is starting to do it professionally.

Brenna said...

ok so mature might be pushing it a bit!!!!! LOL i think you are so gorgeous always! well.....maybe except when your hair looks like nanny mcphee! HAHAHAHA. good thing you know i love you sweets! :)

Enjoy Birth said...

You look beautiful and a bit wiser. But not older.

Anonymous said...

"So you want to make a name for yourself Horse-Face?"

Ok ok, so that is a line from Nacho Libre (one of our favorite movies). Stacy is gorgeous! I think over the past couple of years she is actually louder more than anything else?

Stacy is like a good cheese, she just gets better over time. As things drop and sag, wrinkle and droop and soon she'll be in diapers... she will always be the raddest looking chic.

Stacy, you are beautiful and no matter what gravity does to you over time, you are still smokin hot!

Anonymous Husband

Sarah said...

I agree with everyone! I think you look great in both pictures. But Shalene said it perfectly when she used the word soft. I LOVE the new picture of you and you difinatly don't look older! You are still super young and amazing. I love you!

Kenyon said...

I dont think you look older. It is a beautiful picture.

Emily said...

Your pictures are gorgeous! Here's to getting older, in style!

Shelly Hanson said...

Oh sweetie, Don't you know we got the good genes?

We're aging very well. You're a beautiful woman Stacy. You live right, you're taking better care of yourself. Baby sister...Your fine, no sweat!