Sunday, May 18, 2008

just about human again

i felt great today!!!!!!!!!! REALLY! i didn't notice a bit of nausea. i was a bit tired but that's to be expected. i played UNO for an hour with jeff today and totally felt like "stacy" is on her way back. YEAH ME!!!!! :)

now that i've said all of that i hope it stays true and tomorrow is just as good as today was.
wish me luck.

oh and i have some good news to share!


A. Kuhni said...

What is the good news you have to share? I want to know!!! Call me sometime tomorrow and I am so glad you are starting to feel like the old Stacey. It's about time for you to feel better because you have had it pretty rough and nobody deserves to feel so rotten for so long. I hope you will feel better from here on out!

Crazy Momma said...

Glad to hear you are feeling better. Sounds like your news might be a pay off for all the yuckiness.

Shelly Hanson said...

You may feel like this has been a soap opera but it NOT, so none of this leaving us hanging on the good news woman!!! rude...

P.S. i'm so glad you're feeling better. :)

Brenna said...

What the heck? Why would you say you have good news, but not share right away silly? You need to tell us now! LOL

glad you had a good day yesterday loves.

Erin said...

This is such good news, without the 'good news' part that you LEFT miss Stacy!! Glad you are feeling better.

Brynn said...

What is it? What is it? What is it? I'm glad you're feeling better, but you can't leave us hanging like that!

Rachelle said...

I have good news too. The difference? I shared mine!