Thursday, October 09, 2008

happy birthday to my baby tates

my tatum turned 4 yesterday (10-9). we usually blow up 100 balloons and decorate the downstairs with streamers and have the kids gifts right in the middle of the room.
this year had to be different because jeff is in Missouri and i couldn't do it all my self. my day has to be planned around the stairs, i can't go down them until the kids are ready for school because getting back up seems to pose a small problem. so this year the birthday started upstairs. :)
tatum started soccer the night before so when we got back she was so wasted that she fell asleep in her soccer garb.

before she started opening her presents she came into the office and said with so much excitement, "MOM, CAN GO DOWN STAIRS AND SEE ALL OF THE BALLOONS?" i felt SO bad! i wanted that for her so bad but it was just impossible. once she started to open her stuff she forgot all about the balloons. :)

we didn't do a b-day party this year so she took cupcakes to her soccer team and then to her preschool class the next day. they sang happy birthday to her and she passed out goody bags to all of her friends. she said that she had fun at her "party" and i didn't even have to plan it or host it...pretty sneaky huh!

for lunch she wanted McDonald's so that's where we went. she wanted to sit right by me and i loved that. i LOVE that she wants to be with me.
after lunch we went to target to spend the money that her grandmas gave her. she is my easiest shopper so far. we went down one isle (10 min) and she had everything she wanted.
baby alive go bye bye (a little creepy to me )
a stroller
a crib
that baby is all set up with the good stuff.
for dinner she chose to go to sweet tomatoes. this is where all of my kids want to go on any special day. uncle dale went with us since daddy was out of town. he ends up being the stand in dad.
she said that she had the best birthday and that is all i wanted for her. she did wish her daddy was home though.

i just love that baby girl!


Jessica said...

I'm glad we got to see Tatum for a little while during her celebration day :) ANd I think you did a GREAT job for her with Daddy being gone!

Erin said...

Aww...Soccer and FOUR??? She is a sweetie Stacey! It was a fun filled day, one she will remember-you made it special for her in your own way. With all of her mothering tools you might not need to care for the new little one ;)

Brenna said...

Aww so glad she had such a great day. I would've helped you with the balloons, but I guess now that is a "woulda, shoulda, coulda" moment. Sorry Stace. It sounds like you made it really nice for her anyway. I love that age, because they are still so adaptable. That doll is a little creepy with the burbling it does, but so super cute to watch her carry it by her toes! LOL Happy Birthday "Tater Salad"! We love you!
love, Christine

5littlenordstroms said...

Happy Birthday Tatum! We are glad it was a great day. Everyone deserves to be pampered on their special day.

Crazy Momma said...

Four in a fun age! She is just beautiful. Happy Birthday Tatum!
How's mommy feeling? man, its getting close! How all is great miss ya!

Kate said...

Can you believe these little girls are 4 already? I still can't get over it. I just love this age too-just happy and easy to please for the most part. Happy B-day to Tatum!

Robin said...

Happy birthday Tatum! By the way my son loved the cupcakes at soccer the other day. I hope he realizes that he doesn't get cupcakes at every practice! Hope you guys are doing well. Hope your hubby gets back soon!

Sarah said...

Such a cutie pie!! So sad Bryson missed out on the "party" in class last week. You made it such a special day for her. Happy Birthday Tatum!!