Wednesday, December 31, 2008

some people post about christmas, i just post christmas colors

let's be honest, not many people post about poop...they just aren't brave enough. if anyone is going to do it you know it'll be me because i'm just that brave...notice i say brave not gross. :)
i've had four kids, and seen more blowouts than i care to count. THIS WAS THE ALL TIME WORST BLOWOUT!!!!!!
tatum would look out of BRAVE curiosity...

...and then look away.

the kids were all in hysterics over this mess...ok we all were. have you ever seen anything like it?
uncle dale took one for the team today, this one happened on him. thanks uncle dale! and since addie didn't get you anything for your birthday yesterday we'll just say...well........happy birthday to you! :)


N Godown said...

Haha! Hilarious! I have experienced one ALMOST that bad. BUT....
I have a friend in our ward....she was bearing her testimony while holding her new baby on her hip. Well, everyone heard an explosion from the pulpit and realized her baby exploded in his pants and ALL OVER HER DRESS, HIS CLOTHES and anything else in a 6 ft. radius.
She debated on handing the baby to the 2nd Councelor sitting there on the stand (so she could finish her testimony) or just walking off......She just right walked off the stand in the middle of her testimony!!!! I've never seen anything so embarrassing in my life!

Just be glad you weren't bearing your testimony at the pulpit when that happened to sweet Addie!! :)

Enjoy Birth said...

That is a good one. Yesterday Bryson had a little friend over. He came into me and said, I smell poop. I ignored him. Then I heard him yell, I stepped in poop! Then I paid attention. His friend had a blow out on my family room rug, and up his back. This is a 2 year old, so it was GROSS. I threw him in the tub and cleaned up my rug and figure that such is life! Poop happens!

Robyn said...

So funny.....those days I don't miss! Emma is obsessed with what color her poop is and if it is mushy or balls? Every time you take her to the bathroom she has to ask and look at her accomplishment, and also when we change her nightime pull-ups. Since she knows her colors, she asks whether its green or brown or yellow! Gross!

Shawni said...

That does look like a bad one. Wow, the things we deal with to be moms. It's a good thing these kids are so cute they make it worth it...and man oh man that one sure is a cutie. I love the collage. I'm glad to hear all is well over there!

Kathy said...

That is a bad blow-out! I have experienced some of those too! The best one was back when my oldest was a new born. My sister (who was single at the time) picked her up out of the swing only to get a blow-out all over her creme silk blouse!! said...

that's awesome!!! I have a video of Ava having pooped in her bouncy seat. It was so gross I had to document it so I'm feelin' ya sister!!! She actually likes to watch it and calls it her 'poop moomie'! :)

Julz said...

Wow! That is impressive. You must be doing a good job on her nutritional needs. Kaden was looking at the post over my shoulder and couldnt stop laughing at "Tristin's baby" Too funny!

Shelly Hanson said...

Why to take one for the team Dale!!!!! BTW I need another back rub.

The Porter's said...


Shane and Becky said...

Thats a funny place for a mud pack!