Thursday, January 01, 2009

we got some pictures of the kids yesterday. here are a few of them. what do you think of tatums new haircut?
sorry about the cleavage, it goes up to my neck these days.

this wasn't planned, this is what happens all day at our house. we just can't get enough of her. that's probably why we've all been sick over here for 4 weeks.



Melissa said...

Could she possibly look any more like her mommy?:)

Unknown said...

Your kids are so beautiful...seriously!
1. I love Tatum's grown up!
2. I'm really glad someone else is brave enough to post about poop. Everyone poops, right? And it's a FUN part of a mom's life. Avery had some serious blowouts like fun!
3. I would be kissing that baby all day long, too!

Anonymous said...

Let's face it, they all get their looks from Grandma Johnson. hehe

Brenna said...

Love the pics Stace! Get better soon! See you Sunday!

love, me

Ali said...

Hey B's! Miss seeing you guys, you sound SO much happier these days S, I'm happy you're happy! BTW - Love Tater's new hairdo, but not nearly as much as I love the smitten look on the big bro. I don't know about daddy, but someone's gotten this boy wrapped around her little finger already... too cute!

Shelly Hanson said...

You always take such good pictures Stac. Addie gets cuter all the time. I want to hold her again soon! Sweet girl. I miss her... I miss you guys!!!! whew that was close. :)

Addie Gaylord said...

stacy!!! it was so nice to finally see your happy beautiful face today, it had been way to long. just so you know you make beautiful children, addie is adorable.
i am so sad not to have jenna in class anymore, she was so fun and cute.

Robin said...

Sooooo cute!!! I love Addie's close up. She is so darling. You better keep eating her up, she's getting big fast. It makes me sad that Liberty is so huge already. I just love the baby stage!
Tatum's hair is so cute, I need that haircut! I know I wouldn't look as cute though, dang it.

By the way, you can't go wrong with poop. Poop is always funny. Great post!

Heather Miller said...

SOOOO Cute! I miss you guys

Michelle said...

You children are looking cutier everyday. I say your blog on Rachelle Hansens blog. It is so neat that you had another girl. How fun. Here is my blog if you ever want to see what are family is doing.

Michelle Gibson

Crazy Momma said...

beautiful pictures wow your a lucky lady!