Thursday, November 17, 2005

i couldn't love this boy more

tonight as we were driving home from costco we were listening to a song called "the rising" and in it they talk about the persecution of joseph smith. tristan asked jeff and i what persecution was and we explained a bit of the trials that he went through and when we were done he said " that is so sad it makes me have tears in my eyes." he may drive me crazy sometimes (daily) but he has such a tender heart and sweet spirit. just when i think i am a complete failure as a parent my children say or do something that leads me to believe that i'm not all that bad. i love this boy and my favorite thing about him is that he KNOWS that he is not aloud to eat vomit. :)

this picture of tristan was taken on saturday after a haircut gone way bad. this is the second time in about two and a half years that this has happened. the fun part is, he gets to go around for a few days like this. i know, total white trash but it's just a short time and i think he likes the attention he gets from the ladies.

*edited* for those of you wondering, YES that is a mohawk and i gave it to him. i was in the process of shaving it all off and i just left this. he asks me from time to time if he can have one. his hair growth pattern is so awful that his hair naturally goes into a fohawk (fake mohawk).


Anonymous said...

Uh, is that mohawk? What exactly were you going for? Who cut? What a sweetie!

Anonymous said...

Tristan....ahhhh. I miss him in Primary with me. I loved when I was his teacher. Such a sweet boy with a lot of "spirit" as you put it. Such a touching moment. By the way...Love the mohawk!!!

Shelly Hanson said...

THAT MY BOY! Tristan I love you Bud! You rock! and Thank you for not eating puke.

Anonymous said...

What a cutie!

* totally crack me up!!

Anonymous said...

totally understand about unmaageable hair-my boys have a zllion calics! Tristan is rad-love spiritual kid moments!