Thursday, November 17, 2005

yuck YUCK yuck eeeeeeeeewww!

how in the world could this face do anything yucky you ask? well being the one year old that she is she was wandering around tristan and jenna's school this morning looking for things to explore. i followed her around and then stopped to talk to a friend (keeping one eye on her). well apparently that was not enough because i looked over at her and noticed that she was bent down trying to pick something up. so i went to investigate. as i walked over to her she stood up and put something in her mouth. as i got closer i started to feel a little uneasy about this particular substance that she had put in her mouth. i went to pick her up and she was standing in the middle of some OTHER child's vomit. yes ladies and gentlemen you heard me right VOMIT, BARF, PUKE, RECH, THROW-UP, HURLE and this beautiful little face didn't know that it is just not ok to eat barf ESPECIALY someone else's. i have this overwhelming urge to spray lysol in her mouth. is that wrong?

now have a nice day. :)


Shelly Hanson said...

Your child is sick. you need to take her back from wence she came!excuse me while I puck.

Anonymous said...

OMG, I just became physically ill. Are you kidding me? I think I'm going to have to take a tums to get rid of the puke that came to the top of my throat when I read this.


Anonymous said...

oh my gosh. that is so nasty. :) And made me laugh so hard.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! I can't even say that my children have done that, which is saying a lot. My dog on the other hand...

Anonymous said...

I was just admiring how adorable Tatem is....then I read on. OMG Stacy, that is so horribly disgusting. Poor Tatum, poor you...I say disinfect for sure ;)

Shelly Hanson said...

OK sister. It's offical! you have friends and I don't. well friends who care enough to read your blog. My friends are old and boring.

Big kiss!

Anonymous said...

ahhhh, I was already coughing when I read this entry due to a cold, but when I got to the vomit part it made start dry heevy...LOL. Yuck!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

my goodness girl-lysol a good idea!