Sunday, November 18, 2007

a visit from dog

our home teachers were coming at 2:30, so when i heard a knock at the door at 2:30 i just assumed it was them. i came down the stairs and half way down the first thing i saw was handcuffs...huh? so i get a little further down and sure enough it was one of our home teachers. did you know that dog the bounty hunter was LDS? how many people can say that their home teacher comes in costume to teach a spiritual lesson? hahahah! you guys it was hilarious and so hard to take him seriously when he would have input.
the reason he wore it was that he was supposed to be at our halloween party but he and his wife couldn't make it after all. they bought their dog and beth costumes for the party so he wanted us to see it apparently. :) SURPRISE!!!!!
his companion had no idea he was doing this so we had him answer the door looking like this. the reaction was hysterical.
this doesn't look strange at all does it?!?!?!?!

on another note i just had to share a new find. when i saw this sign it just screamed

((((BENINTENDI)))) it's just totally us so try not to be offended. hahahah!


Anonymous said...

I can't keep up with all your blogging lately...good for you! Love the sign! It is so Benintendi! I could see Cameron doing something like this, dressing up like napolean to go home teaching, so I should probably not share this. LOL!

Brenna said...

HAHAHA! shanarla you are funny! he totally would. i showed adam and he would do that too. this cracked me up. and the sign totally works for you benintendis. you should really miss me because i haven't come over in a while. :) i need to come see you.

Kenyon said...

OH MY GOSH, who is your home teacher? That is the funniest thing ever!

N Godown said...

I want one!!

N Godown said...

I love the costume! That could be "Costume of the Year" and so could a pic we got on our blog! Check it out.

Sarah said...

Holy Cow! Bro Taylor is hilarious. I think that is one of the greatest costumes. I too love the sign. It does fit your family perfectly.

Anonymous said...

soooooooo funny
i so want to be dog and beth next year!
and love the sign-

Kristin said...

Now that is what I call and object lesson!

Enjoy Birth said...

That is GREAT! I need a Home teacher like that.

Shelly Hanson said...

He's a Hottie!