Wednesday, December 26, 2007

christmas eve

since i was a little girl christmas eve has always been spent with my dad side of the family. even after my parents divorced we went with my dad to aunt marlene and uncle gordon's.
over the years things have changed leaps and bounds. people have moved, gotten married, have in laws to visit for THEIR traditions. but something changed and now most of us are living in arizona and we get to bring back the tradition of being together christmas eve. i have always remembered the magic of christmas eve and the excitement that was always their. i hope that my kids feel the way that i did.
here are some of my cousins kids. i used to babysit these people and now a couple of them babysit for me.
here are the parents of those kids. mmmm, dinner was SO yummy!
i love this picture! everyone is standing around chit chatting while poor brian is fighting with the table. :) although rick does look a LITTLE concerned.
somebody wet her pants...can you see the guilt?
i love my family! we have so much fun when we're together. we laugh so hard and anyone who knows me knows that i LOVE to laugh. this is justin in the picture below. i love this picture and i love him. he married my cousin brittany and he adds another element of fun to this family.
more cousins! the two on the left had their faces in their cell phones most of the night. i might have to do a post of all of the pictures that i got of all of the teenagers and their cell phones.
this is matt...he's my big brother. we have a lot in common but probably the thing we most have in common is that we can't keep a strait face in front of the camera.
yeah for singing time!
this is aunt marlene and uncle gordon. it was so great that they were able to fly in from cali to spend christmas with family.
and this is my daddy. this is how how usually looks so why put a picture of him here with his eyes open?
the kids danced the hora while we sang hanukkah (we're not jewish it's just something we do) :)
i never feel like i fit in with my cousins. when i got up to sing with them i started out by singing one if these things is not like the other. we sang winter wonder land.
tristan played the piano and the girls sang when christmas come to town.
we sang silent night and t & j did the sign sweet!
every year after our little program everyone gets to open their christmas pj's. these are tristans.
tatum got princess jams.
and miss jenna got some super cute cherry jams.
and now for the second annual nasty underwear gift for the moms. it's jeff!!!! he has problems! i had to pick a picture where sandy's underwear are cut out because the were so sick.
i hope everyone had a great christmas eve.


Enjoy Birth said...

Wonderful traditions... looks like SO much fun!

Sarah said...

That looks like so much fun and super funny!!!

Anonymous said...

love the recap, love the pics, love that you guys sing so much!!! and so funny, you posted straight no chaser and i didnt even know. jeffs dad sent us the youtube link and i saved it to post on christmas. of course you got your hands on it too. its right up your alley.

Kenyon said...

Your family looks like alot of fun:) I hope you had a Merry Christmas!

Shelly Hanson said...

part of me is jelous...and part of me is breathing a sign of relief.