Sunday, February 10, 2008

tristan and jenna love the tates.

tatum is asleep in the middle of the loft tonight.
(this obviously isn't the loft. this picture was taken last spring, i just wanted you all to see just how sweet she is while she sleeps.)
jenna: she looks so cute like that!
(as i put her p.j.'s on her)
me: do you want me to take her to bed or leave her here so you can look at her?
tristan & jenna: leave her (at the same time)
tristan: we love to look at her while she sleeps.
me: me too buddy. :)
i LOVE that they LOVE to look at her when she sleeps. especially after a long hard day sometimes that is the best and only way to appreciate the beauty that is the tates. :)
EDITED: i guess tristan couldn't resist her cuteness because he is now all snuggled up with her. :) there isn't much more that makes a mother happy than seeing her children love the heck out of each other.


Brenna said...

mmmmm....... snuggles! CUTE!

Shawni said...

I'm totally with you...nothing better than watching your kids sleep so peacefully and having the house quiet!

kara jayne said...

The picture and the story are both priceless.

My sister used to say that God invented sleep so that Mothers could fall back in love with their children. I totally agree. Before I go to bed I always go in and check on each child and take a minute to watch them. It's amazing what that does to heal a Mothers heart.

Sarah said...

Super cute girl. But I am having some confusion...she is not sleeping in the loft in the picture.

Kenyon said...

She is a beauty for sure. What a cute brother she has, snuggling w/ her....sweet.

p.s- still want to hear those stories you were talking about on my blog.

Anonymous said...

true dat sister. true dat!
she so cute!

Kristin said...

Oh so sweet... Darling picture too.

Dennison Family said...

How cute! You are right, nothing makes a mom happier than to see their children Loving each other! Precious!

Shelly Hanson said...

how cute!! I love the Tates tooooooo! I want to chew on her cheeks. they look so tasty! :)