when we first met i was no "slim jim" and our love was "good & plenty". as the years went on some "hot'n spicy" foods gave our bums the "red hots" and donut pillows soon became our "life savers" we've taken 1,000 of "pictures" of our beautiful family and one more on the way. "actII" of our marriage is upon us with good times ahead. i've not always treated you like a "princess" but know that you are. happy "10th" love your boy, jeff
jeff gave me one of these when we first started dating and we just threw it out when we moved here a year and a half ago. he's a sweet and thoughtful guy.
when i came out to thank him he probably didn't realize that i had tears in my eyes. i didn't get him anything or even think of getting him anything. i felt horrible! i have been in my own selfish world with this sickness and just haven't gotten out to do anything or get anything. we won't be going out either since tatum has what i've had over the last two weeks and woke up this morning with practically no voice and our sweet jenna has a bad case of strep. i think we just need to burn this place down.
happy anniversary my sweet jeff! this has been the LONGEST 10 years of my life. and i'm not kidding! i wouldn't have it any other way. :)
i love you!
That picture is SO CUTE!! The poster is even cuter. How thoughtful. Have a great day.
LOVE the picture. So cute. And what a great guy. I need to remember to do a candy bar poster now and then!
That is very sweet, he always seems so thoughful! I wish everyone at your house wasn't so sick, and to top it all off now you have to take care of them and you feel crapy. Motherhood, it's about surviving! Kristin
CONGRATS on a NEW BABY and 10 years.
Man, I hope you feel better.
Thanks for my bday comment. I appreciate age too, I feel a little wiser with every year.
Hope you feel good enough to have a nice evening.
Happy anniversary Stacy! Cute poster!
love, Christine
Yeah sis!!! You're a better woman than I. 10 years straight! I'm workin' on it. hehe.
Very sweet. And you are so funny! You always make me laugh. Adam always says "can't you believe how fast the last eight years have gone?" And I say "yeah, fast..." but in my head I'm thinking, "And sometimes SLOOOOWWWW!" But like you, I wouldn't have it any other way!
Happy Anniversary Stacy & Jeff........I am proud to say I remember your reception too. Good times....and more are to come!
Love robyn
Very cute! You two are super cute and hope another 10 goes by just as slow for you! ha ha
I know my 8 has flown by... we look the same cause i was never skinny my hair has just gotten shorter and shorter and kevin's always had hair (not rubbing it in jeff);)
Aww..how sweet!
Happy 10th Anniversary you too :)
Love the picture.
AAAHHHHHH!!! I LOVE candy bar posters! Why haven't I made one for so long? What a sweet hubbie! Happy Anniversary!
That is so cute! That picture is also so cute. HAPPY 10th..WOW, thats awesome.
Happy Anniversary! Ten is a big one and very exciting and special. I think it is really funny that you got lost on your way to the temple. Danny and I were late for the luncheon after because we couldn't wait to eat and got lost in L.A. looking for a McDonalds. You should have seen the ladies face when we pulled forward I was in my wedding dress. Anyway, fun to reminisce.
Ten years...congrats! I love that picture of you. NECK!!!!
Love the picture. I'm sorry you're sick.
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