hey all. stacy has informed me that she is alive but not terribly social. i took a picture of her this morning so you could know what she is up to. enjoy.
*edited by the blog owner* i have NOT thrown up, i DON'T throw up when i'm pregnant but let me tell you, if i knew that barfing would make me feel better i would make it happen. i am miserable all day most days but i have had a few not so yucky moments too and i still stay laying down cause i'm afraid it will go away if i stand up. hahaha! needless to say my house doesn't look good and it sure doesn't smell good...to me anyway. here's something interesting to think about.
pregnant with tristan:
the smell of jeff made me sick
preg. with jenna:
jeff and t made me sick
preg with tatum:
jeff, tristan AND jenna
this one:
everyone including me. not kidding! i can't stand the smell of my own skin. :)
thanks for the flattering portrait jeff. i don't know exactly how i'm going to punish you for that. and he's right, i am super anti-social right now which is way out of character for me. :)
better, non-sick days are ahead i just keep trying to think of those.

*edited by the blog owner* i have NOT thrown up, i DON'T throw up when i'm pregnant but let me tell you, if i knew that barfing would make me feel better i would make it happen. i am miserable all day most days but i have had a few not so yucky moments too and i still stay laying down cause i'm afraid it will go away if i stand up. hahaha! needless to say my house doesn't look good and it sure doesn't smell good...to me anyway. here's something interesting to think about.
pregnant with tristan:
the smell of jeff made me sick
preg. with jenna:
jeff and t made me sick
preg with tatum:
jeff, tristan AND jenna
this one:
everyone including me. not kidding! i can't stand the smell of my own skin. :)
thanks for the flattering portrait jeff. i don't know exactly how i'm going to punish you for that. and he's right, i am super anti-social right now which is way out of character for me. :)
better, non-sick days are ahead i just keep trying to think of those.
I'm so sorry. I must admit that I can't say "I know how you feel." I never had it that bad. Just remember that it will all be worth it!
I am not very social in my first or third trimester, I get it. Hang in there.
Nice! Did you draw that yourself Jeff?
That is beyond non-flattering...but hey, it is the thought that counts. Dang, sorry to hear about the sickness! That really stinks. keep your head out of the toilet.
So very sorry. Hugs to you.
I am not very social when pregnant, or after having a baby, or, period. LOL - isn't it crazy how you get that "bionic sense of smell" when pregnant? That happens to me too. Is there a smell that you actually like right now? Hugs..
I'm just super happy that you are preggers!! So if you are anti-social, go right ahead...miss you though ;)
I'm just barely starting to feel somewhat social again and my baby's 2 1/2 months old! I love the picture!
I WISH I COULD COME AND HELP YOU OUT SIS!!! But you'd probably hate the way i smell too and that would just offend me. ;)
Love you!!!!
Sorry you are so sick! I hope you survive! Good to know it doesn't last forever! hang in there!
Oh man Stacy, I'm sorry you're feeling bad. At least Jeff included a sweet picture of you and is looking after your blog while you're sick (ha ha). Hope you start to feel better before too long!
hey! Congrats! Hope you feel better :) With Eden I couldn't even keep water down. I had to take a sip of warm flat Pepsi every 30 minutes until I could keep it down. No wonder I don't like that pop any more!
I was sick with my kids too and the only person I could stand getting with 10 ft. of me was Kevin everyone else smelled and if they tried to touch me it was over! It seems to get better at about 16 weeks for me hope the same for you. Love ya and lots of well wishes-Angie
I love that she can't stand the smell of anyone... I will be taking advantage of this time for much needed golf, fishing and photography. I wouldn't want to bother stacy with my help or anything. I think it's best for everyone if I just play a lot right now.
Anyone have any good hobbie ideas? they must keep me out of the house for at least a few hours!
I think golf is good. Maybe you should consider watching paint dry. Oh I got one........start a butterfly collection. If none of that sounds appealing then you can always come out to the Lord's side of town and hang out with me. I'll keep you away from the rejection.
Scott, I thank you for the assistance. I think I'll take you up on that.
Hi, Stacy! It's Rachelle - thanks for your post on my blog. Your blog is really fun to read - I love the illustration on the latest post. :-). Congrats on the bun in the oven!
I'm so sorry, Stacy! I hope this stage passes soon. Being sick and tired is horrible. But so worth it at the end. Right?
And I hear you on the smell thing. I have major issues with smells when I am pregnant. Warm husband breath is the WORST!!!!
I was just reading this post with Meridee on my lap and when she saw the picture of Tatum she got all excited and said "mommy that is my friend Potatum. Do you remember her?" I thought it was so cute that she remembers her and the way she says her name is adorable. I hope you get to feeling better soon.
Did I tell you I hate you for having friends who comment? I did? oh, ok...I still do.
Love you lots!
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