i used to have fun things to talk about but honestly for the last two months there hasn't been the greatest news to share...with one exception of course.
this is our little jelly bean. at the end of the week i will be 9 weeks and it feels like it's been nine years already.

you guys, i don't understand abortion. i can understand being afraid for many reasons over pregnancy and my heart goes out to the girls and women who feel that this is their only option. there is no WAY that after seeing what i saw at just 8 weeks gestation that anyone can argue that this is not a person.
there was a tiny heart just beating away in there and every time the tech would move the US machine around the baby would jump as to say, "yeah that's me, i'm right here." clearly responding to the stimulation. it is such an amazing thing to see so early on. only the size of a kidney bean but doing people things, responding. AMAZING!
i am feeling a bit better, though i do have yet another illness and other random things that i won't bore you with but my nausea is nowhere near as bad as it was over the last few weeks.
next time i'm going to share something non-pregnancy and non-sick related. :)
I think everyone should have an early ultrasound. It helps remind you why you're HAPPY to be pregnant! It really is amazing...that little jelly bean will be a living, breathing little person with his or her own little personality! Glad you're feeling better!
I love your little kidney bean! What a great relief to see that everything is ok! I'm glad you are starting to feel a little better!
I am with you on the abortion thing. Heavenly Father is amazing, that little baby has a heart beating so fast, nothing is sweeter. Hang in there, I am sure you know it will be so worth it in the end. I can't wait to see how cute he/she will be, your kids are beautiful and not to mention Tatum is rather funny:)
So glad you are feeling better. You know I have the same feelings on abortion, since I am adopted. Cute little jelly bean!
love, Christine
g;ad to hear it's slowly getting better and wow what a pay off in the end.
I LOVE ultrasounds. They could NEVER get boring. I sure hope you figure out what the heck that infection is!!
Ahhh, so so precious. Almost makes me want a little jelly bean of my own again......okay not that much. I can only imagine how gorgeous this litle one will be. You know how we say you guys make the most gorgeous kids!! Bring on the better days :)
Love Robyn
So sweet to see those little growing people. Well person in your case (no twins in there!)
Hello Stacy!! Okay... I just recently blog-stalked you too and your kids are so adorable... and even though you feel like crap, you did totally glow and look beautiful when I looked across the room at you tonight.... k, I know I sound like i'm in love with you... and i'm not, yet... but just wanted to say, hi! I'm here!
How cute...I feel the same about abortion! Can't wait to watch your little bean grow. Glad you are feeling better.
yeah!!!! Niece or Nephew!!!! I want to kiss it all over!!!!!! Call me and tell me what you deleted.
We miss all of you guys!! Call us when you are all feeling better and we'll come visit! SOOO excited about that baby!!
Glad things are going well! Glad you little bebe is excited to be in there!
My OB gave me an ultrasound the first few visits, and I loved that reassurance of a little life in there!
Yeah...what a cute little bean. I am so glad that everything looks normal with the baby. When I say normal it just doesn't sound good enough. So I am so glad that everything looks great, wonderful, marvelous with the baby. I am glad that you are starting to feel a little better.
so happy things are moving along well.
Hey you guys, congrats on the new little one, thats so cool!!
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