Saturday, May 03, 2008

i wanted to share better news

so this is what i'm dealing with now
walking is a chore/VERY painful and as one starts to subside three more sprout and the take about six weeks to go away. my loved ones call it strep ancle.
if i could just have something NORMAL!
ahhhh i just remembered i DO have good news. i'm sure most of you already know but the church is building a temple a mile from my house. :) :) this will significantly lower the excuses factor over temple attendance and i'm pretty excited about that.
have a fantastic weekend.
P.S. i want you to know that i read all of your blogs and am hoping to get back to commenting soon. i can only sit at this computer for so long's one of those weird pregnant things. :)


Enjoy Birth said...

Looks pretty horrible. I am so sorry, at least it looks like it only lasts for so long. HUGS!

Erin said...

That looks pretty painful. Man girl, you just have all the luck huh?! How are you feeling otherwise?

Brenna said...

Yes, I have seen it girlies and it does look pretty painful. On the bright side, she has quite the sense of humor about it or maybe that was Jeff??? LOL Can't wait till you are ALLLLLLLLLL BETTER!!

Anonymous said...

I just think it sucks when you get strep throat and your leg comes out looking like stew and dumplings. I mean it totally makes sense. I thought it was wierd when the doctor said, "ok Stacy, take your pants off, I wanna see that strep throat!"


Kristin said...

Holy crap! So not fun. I swear like the wierdest things ever happen to you!

Kenyon said...

THAT STINKS!!! You are NOT having luck lately :( I hope you feel better soon!

renhallows said...

sorry to hear that it's still painful. Youre a trooper for coming out to eat avacados the other day. (: That was fun, by the way. also, glad to hear your feeling better, prego wise.

Christy said...

Hi Stacy,

Just wanted to write to let you know I found your blog through Glenn & Brynn’s. Thought I’d just write and keep in touch. Sounds, and looks, like you guys are hanging in there, despite the pregnancy stuff. I'm 8 1/2 mos. pregnant and couldn't be antsier to get this baby out! well, keep in touch. I hope you can start to feel better soon! Christy

Papa Kane said...

Oh my!!!! Good news from Stacy? I almost gave up on the fact that it could happen. Jeff....if you need a break, bring the kids over and leave Stacy in her misery. It can't be that bad all the time.

I always thought it was weird when the Dr. asked for my pants to be at my ankles when I was in for an eye exam. I told her a million times, "I have brown eyes!".

Jill said...

i hope you get better soon

Shelly Hanson said...

ohhhh my sista! you not doin' so much good! You're a mess lady! You should be don't having kids. This is not a special time for you. And yes you heathen get your self to the Temple ASAP so the Leperacy will go away.

Kisses from afar,


Anonymous said...

One more reason to come visit Gilbert! Sorry you are feeling bad! Ouch!