every trial in my life has brought me to THIS place.....a place where nothing is perfect but everything is great. i wouldn't change a thing.
Monday, April 17, 2006
the girls in my life
i love stacy and the happiness she brings me. because of her i am surrounded by the best hormones. i couldn't ask for a better wife, mother and friend.
the beauty of marriage is that it is a journey... one step closer to "becoming us."
Yes-shocker! I am FINALLY posting-LOVE this pic of you and love the quote from Jeff!
Thanks Jeff for including me as one of the "girls". You are such a sweetie. Guess I'll have to do something about that gap that I never thought much about till Tristan asked me if I lost a tooth. Or, maybe not. Love you
Caught your post on Tara's blog...please don't wait until you are more "perfect" to take that picture. We are all "works in progress" and the people who love you will not notice a few extra pounds in a picture. (And choosing to be OK with yourself will just get you one step closer to being THAT mom!) I'd give anything to take back all the negative stuff I accidentally fed to my daughter by not loving myself...Bless you!
Yes-shocker! I am FINALLY posting-LOVE this pic of you and love the quote from Jeff!
Sweet pictures. Lovely quote of the day. :)
thank you honey that was so sweet. and thank you for updating my blog. ilove you!
Thanks Jeff for including me as one of the "girls". You are such a sweetie. Guess I'll have to do something about that gap that I never thought much about till Tristan asked me if I lost a tooth. Or, maybe not. Love you
Oh Jeff, Thank you for loving my sister you are a good man.
Love you.
Jeff wins husband of the blogger award. Mine doesn't even read mine, let alone add wonderful loving posts!
I am in awe.
So sweet Jeff!
Can you do an online "how to comment on your wife's blog for dummies" class??? lol
I love the pictures...Stacy you look darling!
anonymous=erin d.
Caught your post on Tara's blog...please don't wait until you are more "perfect" to take that picture. We are all "works in progress" and the people who love you will not notice a few extra pounds in a picture. (And choosing to be OK with yourself will just get you one step closer to being THAT mom!) I'd give anything to take back all the negative stuff I accidentally fed to my daughter by not loving myself...Bless you!
Your husband is so sweet to post his feelings. That rocks. Beauty pics.
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