Thursday, November 08, 2007

two of our latest christmas shoots

this is one of jeff's christmas card designs from a recent shoot.
holy mohawk!
(click on the picture below to see the mowhawks)

this is another family christmas shoot from california
if you're in so. california or in the phoenix area and would like christmas pictures or just a fun family shoot email jeff at


Brenna said...

these are beautiful jeff. i love the upside-down boat one especially. the mom looks like colbie caillat. good stuff. are we going to see more? i want to see more.

kara jayne said...

Gorgeous photos. I am going to be requesting a shoot sometime in the near future. I may have to wait until after the crazy holidays! Am I the only one who doesn't get the whole mohawk thing?

Sarah said...

I love the pictures. They turned out great. I want mine to look like that!!

Anonymous said...

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, the boat shot. So great! Wish you were closer to take our family photos!

Whose the photographer in your family?