Monday, January 26, 2009

lovin' the hair

there are just some mornings that tatum is irresistible. this was one of them. i think sarah pulled into the driveway to take her to school just as i was taking this. she probably thought i was crazy. and maybe i am a little, crazy about her.
most of the time she looks like this but on sundays and school days...

i get to see her like this for a short time before the fun begins and all of my work goes to pot. i can tell what kind of day she's had by the state of her hair...and maybe the grime on her face. oh but what a sweet face. :)

isn't this braid so cute. the girl who cuts my hair mentioned doing that when she cut her hair off and i had been thinking of it ever since. i'd done it on jenna and it was cute but i thought that tatum didn't have enough hair...i was wrong.


N Godown said...

This is one of the reasons I would love a girl....I absolutely love doing hair! I don't get to do that much around here with 4 guys that have BALD heads!

Julz said...

I need you to teach me that braid it is super cute!

Nash said...

catching up here.
i SO want one of your blankets.
i LOVE the card of the butt in a ponytail. I'm nearly crying here.
Way to go on the weight loss. it's so hard, i could use some of your motivation.
tatum is ADORABLE.

Shelley said...

I LOVE that braid! So cute!! I really, really need a girl!! :)

Pretty Organizer said...

Tatum is a doll. So cute.

So, I'm scrolling down your blog and I find Jeff's post on your successful weightloss. Very complimentary...except for the pictures. Did he draw those himself? HA!

You're too funny about the whole master bedroom post on my blog. Ya, here I give advice like I'm a pro at these things but hey, even I have laundry that piles up on my bed and various musical instruments piled in a corner. Oh well, you know I'm a dork so we're okay.

Sarah said...

She is cute even when she's not. (make sense) Cute hair!

Shelly Hanson said...

Tell me she's not eating a booger in that last picture....PLEASE!

Becky Lamb said...

hey try going to they have CUTE backround